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Feeding Data

Feeding Data

Feeding Data

Feeding Data

You can run a live table feed on demand, on a schedule, or as the result of a notification.

A Live Table Feed automates loading of data into a table in your database. Files automatically load as they appear in object storage, and the Live Table Feed system ensures that files are only loaded once. The loading can happen manually, by a schedule, or even by notifications delivered directly from Object Storage.

The bucket can contain files in the following formats:

  • AVRO
  • CSV
  • JSON
  • GeoJSON
  • Parquet
  • ORC
  • Delimited TXT

All of the files must have the same column signature.

About the Live Feed

On the Database Actions - Data Load Dashboard page select FEED DATA to display the Live Feed page. On this page, you can:

Live Feed Page


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Fonte: The New York Time Receptor: Páge Capitura 5 Star
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